Priority Categories
A – Currently renting from the local authority or a housing association.
B – Currently living with relatives / renting privately / working in the area.
C – Currently living outside the area.
Candidates must fall within one of the following criteria :
• First time buyers.
• Those who jointly owned a home but the relationship has broken down and cannot afford to buy on the open market.
• Existing shared owners who have outgrown their home but cannot afford to buy outright / rent on the open market.
The size and type of home we will offer is based on three main factors:
• Affordability.
• Household size.
• Your preference.
As a guide, we will generally offer:
Single applicants – one bed.
Joint applicants – one or two beds.
Couples/single parent families with one child – two beds.
Couples/single parent families with two children – three beds.
Rural priority
As many of our shared ownership properties are in rural areas, it is also likely that you will need to prove a local connection to the parish in which the homes are built, or the surrounding areas.
Generally, a local connection means you are:
• Currently resident in the parish.
• A previous resident in the parish but were forced to move away because of a lack of affordable housing in the area.
• Have close family who live in the parish.
• Have permanent and full time employment in the parish.
These rural priorities are applied before the priority categories. We will ask the Parish Council to verify the local connection information provided.
For more information click here to see our FAQs.